Korean Woman “Jumps” To Her Death Off The Balcony In Front Of Her Fiance ~ The New Day

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Korean Woman “Jumps” To Her Death Off The Balcony In Front Of Her Fiance

A tragic incident occurred in Busan, South Korea, where a woman fell to her death from the 20th floor of an apartment building, just months before her wedding. The last person to see her alive was her fiancé.

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The woman, identified as Sujeong (a pseudonym), was set to get married in March of next year. Her sudden death has left her family in shock and disbelief, particularly since there was no suicide note.

Her father, devastated by the news, questioned the possibility of suicide, saying that his daughter was strong, independent, and had a successful career. She worked in various fields, including home shopping and Pilates instruction, and ran a popular blog.

There’s no way this could’ve happened. She wasn’t the type to commit suicide. She was strong-willed, managed her life well, worked in home shopping, as a Pilates instructor, and even ran a powerful blog.

— Woman’s father

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The story was shared on SBS’s popular show “Curious Stories Y.” | SBS

Her younger sibling also voiced frustration, pointing out that Sujeong had been doing well in life and was planning for her future, making it hard to believe she would take such drastic action just before her wedding. Her sibling even wondered why the fiance didn’t act more quickly to prevent the tragedy.

She was working hard, making money. How could this be suicide? Especially when she was about to get married.

She wasn’t sick, nor was she mentally unstable, so it’s strange that he just watched all of it happen.

— Woman’s sibling

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The couple. | SBS

The sole witness to the incident was her fiancé, Mr. Kang. He recounted that the two had a disagreement before the fall. According to his account, Sujeong mentioned going out to meet her friends after the argument.

He tried to stop her by grabbing her wrist, but she pulled away. She then walked toward the balcony and briefly grabbed onto the railing as she fell. Despite his efforts, Kang was unable to save her.

She said, ‘I’m upset from the argument, so I’m going out to meet my friends,’ something like that. I told her she shouldn’t go out in that state, after a fight.

I grabbed her wrist, but she shook it off and said, ‘This is what you wanted, isn’t it?’ Then she walked to the balcony. As she fell, she grabbed onto the railing. I rushed over to try to grab her, but I couldn’t.

— Woman’s fiance

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The heartbreaking case continues to raise questions as investigations into the incident proceed.

Source: Xports News

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