K-Pop Fan’s Boyfriend Sickened By Her Explicit Gay Fanfiction…Starring Him ~ The New Day

Sunday, September 15, 2024

K-Pop Fan’s Boyfriend Sickened By Her Explicit Gay Fanfiction…Starring Him

A K-Pop fan’s boyfriend asked the internet to help him solve an unusual problem.

Idols-turned-actors THE MAN BLK’s Seungho and Han Sejin co-starred as lovers “Mr. Heart”

The 19-year-old man, Reddit user Ken_Kaniff4205 (who will be referred to as Ken going forward), and his 18-year-old girlfriend (GF) had been dating for two and a half years at the time. Their relationship was “all going smooth,” he said until his girlfriend texted him a link to a Wattpad page.

After clicking the link, Ken was “bombarded” with his girlfriend’s fanfiction. He began feeling uncomfortable after discovering that her K-Pop fanfiction included him.

She text me a link to a Wattpad page, and I opened it, and I was shown her entire page. She had so much fanfic in there I was blown away. I was bombarded, and then I read one because it had my name, then I started to get uncomfortable.

— Ken

“She used my full name in the story and described me down to a tee,” he wrote. “My GF Is also a huge K-Pop fan, and it was a homosexual fanfic about me, and said K-Pop member, just reading it had me feeling kind of sick.”

Some fans wrote stories about THE MAN BLK’s Seungho and Han Sejin after they co-starred in “Mr. Heart” | Viki

Ken’s girlfriend used Ken’s full name in not just one story but several others. After seeing the extent of this, Ken asked his girlfriend to stop writing about him or, at the very least, not publish those stories.

She went into great detail and it had an entire 7 part series about it, I decided to call it quits and closed out of the tab. It had a couple views behind it too.

So after like 30 minutes I text her, ‘Hey, I saw what you wrote about me, could you please stop that or at the very least not post it publicly?’

— Ken

Unfortunately, Ken’s request was not well-received. He and his girlfriend had an argument, during which she called him a “piece of sh*t.” Ken, who said he was feeling “confused,” asked the internet if he was in the right or wrong.

And she wasn’t having it. She blew up at me saying how I shouldn’t care, I’m insecure and a bunch of other things. I tried to reason with her on this as my immediate family and friends use wattpad and to be honest I just don’t like the idea of her using my full name and description out there like that. She called me a piece of sh*t for trying to restrain her. At this point I was just confused and asked her to call later, we called and she was still mad.

AITA here?

— Ken

Some netizens were shocked that Ken’s girlfriend had used his real name in her fanfiction, which could potentially affect his employment and more, calling it a “breach of trust.”

byu/Ken_Kaniff4205 from discussion

byu/Ken_Kaniff4205 from discussion

byu/Ken_Kaniff4205 from discussion

Other netizens pointed out that writing an explicit story about a real person without their permission puts them in a sexual situation, albeit a fictional one, that they did not consent to. Some netizens who took part in the discussion were opposed to fanfiction about all real people, while others drew the line at public figures, such as K-Pop idols.

byu/Ken_Kaniff4205 from discussion

byu/Ken_Kaniff4205 from discussion

byu/Ken_Kaniff4205 from discussion

Ken was urged to report his girlfriend to Wattpad, break up with her, and/or take legal action.

byu/Ken_Kaniff4205 from discussion

byu/Ken_Kaniff4205 from discussion

byu/Ken_Kaniff4205 from discussion

What are your thoughts?

Source: Reddit

NSFW Moments

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